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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ephesians 6: 21-24 (Salutations)
            Summary:  Paul is now finishing up his letter to the church in Ephesus by giving his salutations and wishes for the church.  Eventually ending with a prayer for all the saints who love Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.
            Note: Tychicus-
“Chance, an Asiatic Christian, a “faithful minister in the Lord” (Eph_6:21, Eph_6:22), who, with Trophimus, accompanied Paul on a part of his journey from Macedonia to Jerusalem (Act_20:4). He is alluded to also in Col_4:7, Tit_3:12, and 2Ti_4:12 as having been with Paul at Rome, whence he sent him to Ephesus, probably for the purpose of building up and encouraging the church there.”
 [Easton’s Bible Dictionary]
Timeless Principle: Though difficult and somewhat vague, two things might be noted from this final passage in Ephesians.  The first of these two principles can be taken from Paul’s willingness to send Tychicus to the church.  Paul is a multiplier, let it be said that the church should not be a people focused on addition but rather one that is focused on multiplication.  Time and time again Paul leads men to Christ, trains them up in holiness (discipleship), and then sends them out to do the same thing.  This is our calling to go to the upmost ends of the earth making disciples.  Paul sends Tychicus to make his circumstance, his arrest, known to the church in Ephesus but also to encourage and comfort the hearts of the church to persevere Paul has persevered. 
The final point to be drawn can be gotten out of verse 24.  Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love.  Paul is praying for all the saints who what?  Love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love.   The word for incorruptible maintains the idea of a love that is undying, relentless, and genuine.  Well what does a love like that look like?  Perhaps the answer is found with what it does not look like.  It does not look like the man who pays a pennies worth of pride to get a pounds worth of pride [paraphrased from Mere Christianity C.S Lewis].  God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble [James 4:6].  May we then be like Paul who decided to know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor. 2:2).  Let us be humble not boasting in our understanding, especially when considering that any understanding we have no matter the size is strictly God-given.  Now let us turn to what incorruptible love does look like.  It is a love that endures through hardship and trial, one that does not waver by circumstance nor falter when attacked.  It is a love does not fail.  The best picture of this love is has only ever been seen at one place, that being the blood-stained ground of Calvary, let us stare deep into the cross and fall in love with its deadly truth time and time again.
My Prayer:  Father, I am overwhelmed by your grace.  I want to love you with a love that is incorruptible.  Father I cannot do this on my own, I beg you attack my heart with your Gospel attack my heart with your love, awaken my heart and make it warm again with a love undying.  To often I let circumstance dictate my love for you, to often I forget about Golgotha and the things that took place there for my sake.  Remind me of the grim truth that was the massacre of your son, the slaughtering of the holy lamb, the destruction of the beloved son.  Remind me of the cold that must have been felt as you turned your head away, as you denied your sons pleas in the garden before hand.  May these truths destroy my petty pride, such that I may know absolutely nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified.  Father I am overwhelmed by your grace undeserved.  In Christ name I beg these things, Amen.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ephesians 18-20 (Ambassadors for Christ)
            Summary:  Paul is finishing his armor with an encouragement to pray at all times.  Prayer for supplication and perseverance and also for himself, as Paul was imprisoned while writing this letter.  And then he gives the reason why he has done all the things he has done in an indirect way by saying, “I [Paul] am an ambassador in chains” to declare the Gospel boldly.
            Note: the Greek word for always in verse 18 maintains the idea “in every season”
Timeless Principle:  Paul is now turning to set up his salutation and end his description of the armor.  He urges the Ephesians to pray for supplication and perseverance.  This is a serious and often overlooked ideal.  Let us explore further supplication as this text describes.  Supplication is an appeal to God through prayer, a request.  Well what does this mean and how does this apply to us in light of this text.  Paul mentions that when praying for supplication we should keep what in mind?  The end.  He specifically says “to that end.”  What does this mean?  It means cross-centered supplication.  Not health and wealth.  There is another key attribute to the supplication talked about here, that being for all the saints.  Too often I find myself in prayer asking for nothing but things for myself forgetting about the rest of the saints.  In my self-centeredness, its all about me myself and I, as if I am the only laborer of Christ.  This shows my extreme pride and uncovers sin in my heart.  I am not saying that praying for things in your own life is wrong but rather if all your prayers, like mine most often do, look like ”Father, do all of these things for me,  then check your heart in prayer and ask is it one of humility or one of selfish pride. The second important word here is Perseverance.   The Christian life is not easy, by any definition of the word.  One must count the costs of falling after Christ before making a decision to do so because things happen that hurt, friends and relationships can be lost, mockery, ridicule, and a painstaking call to be Holy.  Paul asks the saints in Ephesus to pray for perseverance because persecution was heavy and he himself knew this all to well.  Paul persevered in a valiant manner by the power given him through the Holy Spirit and would continue to be persecuted until his martyrdom under the tyrannical rule of Nemo.  Never once did he back down or give up, imprisoned, beaten, stoned, lost at sea, shipwrecked, but despite all those things he counted gaining Christ so important that all those things were as rubbish.  Perhaps this is what Christ means when he says his burden his light, yet also says that no servant is above his master and if he was persecuted then so shall we be persecuted.  These two statements almost seem contradictory.  Only someone who counts Christ as a treasure will be like a man who sold everything he had to gain the treasure.  As one progresses in Christianity, as the painful work of sanctification sets in, as you as you know you is put to death, being made into the image of Christ. Only at that time can we really see what Christ means when he says that his yoke is easy and his burden light.  I won’t pretend to know fully what this means but will continue to pray that Christ will reveal it to me more fully.  Perhaps the mystery is simply that as one endures for the sake of Christ, it becomes more and more relevant to that person that Christ is infinitely more worth any momentary suffering that comes their way making them able to face their hardships with joy. 
Paul makes a bold claim and answers why he has so readily endured for Christ.  He does so because he is an ambassador in chains (in chains probably refers to his imprisonment in Rome but could also refer his being bound to the Gospel).  He has been called to a holy calling to boldly proclaim to a lost world the redeeming news of the glory of Christ, known to us as the Gospel.  Why is this important to us?  What application can we pull from Paul’s ambitious statement.  The answer can be found in a question, are we any different from Paul is our calling any different?  The answer to this is simple, no.  Christ gave us one central command, go forth and make disciples of all nations.  Not if you are called to evangelism then use your gift.  Yes there is the gift of evangelism but that does not excuse any Christian to merely sitting around doing nothing to fulfill the great commission.  If anyone is in Christ it should burn within them to see the lost reached for Christ.  We are ambassadors, Christ uses us to spread his Gospel, he uses us to attack the very gates of hell.  So then let us joyfully embrace this calling and make live within us so that it consumes us. 
My Prayer: Father, my soul is desolate.  I am a sinner who only cares about myself for the most part.  Cure me of this prideful cancer, work through me, using me as your instrument.  Father I plea that oppurtunities may be given us to boldly proclaim your Gospel, that the ministries of my fellow laborers would blossom so that your name may be clearly and fully represented to a lost world.  Father, I pray that you may give the words for I cannot change anyone’s heart but you alone can perform a supernatural change.  Provide us with perseverance to withstand the schemes of the devil, give us the strength to put on your armor.  Father I am futile and need your strength otherwise this task is impossible so I plea to you to give me this strength.  Give us boldness to proclaim the Gospel despite what it could do to our self-made shrines that built for ourselves.  Our ultimate goal is to become like you and be light to a dark world.  Father we pray above all that your will would be done. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ephesians 6: 16-17 (continuing the battle)
            Summary:  Paul now continues naming off different pieces of the armor of God.  In this text he mentions the remaining three pieces: the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. 
                                    Timeless Principle:  The first piece of armor referred to in this text is
            significant because it is the first directly defensive piece of the Christian armor.  Paul adds emphasis to this piece in two different ways.  First of all he begins by saying” at all times.”  At all times be prepared to fight and defend your faith.  Peter writes “in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”  This defense cannot be let down it demands full attention as not give any opportunity.  The second way in which Paul adds emphasis to this piece is by ending it with its primary purpose, that being to extinguish the flaming darts of the evil one.  This is important.  Satan does not sleep nor does our flesh and neither shall our defense.  Be ready to stand firm.  A word that demands definition in order to understand more fully what the shield is, is faith.  We have all heard it a thousand times and in turn heard it defined about as many ways.  What is a good definition then, what is the Cross-centered definition?  Perhaps it would be best to put it this way, faith a firm belief in which action follows.  For example, any sane person would place a great deal of faith in gravity.  It is faith, not to be misunderstood as shallow belief, because people have perceived that what must go up must also go down therefore an action that follows from this belief can be found in this example:  A cliff is high, while gravity exists, faith is to simply not simply to believe it exists but rather calls action in that if it does exist you will not jump.  So having faith means standing firm for Christ even when standing firm might not even make sense.
                        The second piece of armor mentioned in this text is the helmet of salvation.  The Greek here implies the helmet “of the hope of salvation.”  The helmet is the second piece of defensive armor, it defends a major part of the body and is vital in our Christian defense.  This is a difficult piece to understand but perhaps we should delve deeper into it anyway.   C.S Lewis makes this statement in his book Mere Christianity, the most influential saints of old, the Luthers, the Edwards, the Whitfields, and so on were so influential in their times because their focus was on the future hope in Christ [paraphrase].  So let it be with us.  The first chapter of Ephesians contains a promise, namely that those who are in Christ Jesus are sealed with the Holy Spirit.  So what does this mean?  The helmet guards the mind which controls the body, so in order for us to stay focused on affecting the world now we must place all focus on the life to come, driving in an encompassing reality to Christ’s demand “store up treasures in heaven.”
                        The final piece of armor is also extremely significant for it is the only offensive weapon.  Given that every soldier needs to be able to fight and not just stand lackadaisically, having no real purpose.  The sword of the Spirit is revealed as the word of God.  Jesus when confronted by Satan to be tempted responded to Satan’s attacks with what?  The word of God.  It is living, breathing and active.  It cuts to the very hearts of men.  It is perfect and complete.  It has remained  unchallenged, unrivaled, and un-silenced for millennia.  It is inerrant, infallible, irrefutable.  May we be prepared to stand firm on the Cross of Jesus attacking the lost and dying world with the word of God which will be used to a drastic change in men’s hearts.
                        My Prayer:  Father, I confess that I do not actively seek out a defense.  I am hit with the flaming arrows on countless occasions and the pain hurts but, in my sickness, I enjoy the pain.  Father forgive we of my wickedness and provide me with strength to raise the shield, though heavy as it may be I want to finish this race valiantly as to bring glory to you.  God I admit that my actions don’t always follow a faith in you.   I make decisions in light of me and not in light of eternity.  I beg you to give me endurance and understanding to reckon upon what is real, the Cross where your son was killed.  And after making a defense and holding firm in you, may I take up the sword and go into battle joyfully and without looking back and without regret as to bring glory soley to you and on you alone.  You are my everything, O Lord, may you will be done in all things. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ephesians 6: 13c-15 (First three elements of the holy armor)
            Summary:  This is it, the grand finale, Paul is setting up to end his letter and begins here with the Holy armor of God.  He says having done all to stand, even after everything is over, continue to stand in these things.  The first three pieces of the armor, as described by this text, are as follows: the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of readiness, and the belt of truth.
            Note: Paul transfers in dramatic fashion into describing the armor.
Timeless Principle:  The first piece of armor mentioned here is the belt of truth.  The belt is essential for holding the rest of the armor together.  In the Greek this can be thought of as girding your loins.  In battle a soldier was susceptible to all kinds of danger because their garments would have been flailing about.  Truth is the belt that keeps our garments together and provides us with a way to stay together of sorts.  Truth is what blocks us from not listening to wisdom or not succumbing to authority.  This may lead one to ask a simple question.  What does this mean for me, what can I get by putting on truth in storing up the word in my heart and taking wisdom to heart such that I may be held together.  A word that must be defined to describe this product of applied truth is integrity.  Integrity, to be put as simply as possible, means that you stand strong against the schemes of the devil when and when you are not being watched.  The belt of truth is absolutely necessary when putting up a fight against sin when there isn’t anyone around to hold you accountable.  This is important!  How can we call ourselves real Christ followers if we don’t live in secret as we do in public?  The real battle begins when we are alone, if we are not grounded in truth then we will fall, it’s that simple.  Some men would say that truth is subjective that it changes with different people’s opinions that it is constantly moving.  This is a good argument but let us explore it more.  Truth is only truth if it is defined and centered on what causes truth.  Now this becomes antsy and confusing, so let us venture further into fully understanding this truth that defines all other truth.  What is it? Answer: Jesus Christ, the penniless preacher from Nazareth is in himself truth and all other truth is only true because he has made it true, so put on the truth that is found in Jesus.
The second piece of the armor is mentioned to be the breastplate of righteousness.   The breastplate is of dire importance to any good soldier, because it is the key protector of the vital organs, the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, etc.  The breastplate of righteousness and belt of truth are in a way tied together.  The breastplate is also heavily related to integrity.  The truth is what gives knowledge of the need for integrity whereas the breastplate is the physical application integrity, the action part so to speak.  Might we work to put on these things so that we can guard our hearts and minds from deceit.
The next thing mentioned here are the shoes of readiness.  This piece of armor is a little harder to comprehend.  Shoes by definition obviously protect the feet.  If a soldier were to leave his feet unguarded then his agility would be down leaving him susceptible to attack and making it harder for him to advance and continue to fight.  The shoes are described as being given by the Gospel of peace.  The peace that comes forth from the Gospel is essential because it is what comforts us as we willingly walk forth into trials and carry on into the hardest of trials.   It also provides us with the strength to carry on and joyfully obey, marching forth into the ways of the Lord.
My Prayer:  Father, I ask that these things would be taken to my heart.  To often I allow the things of this world to attack my heart because I don’t put on the breastplate of righteousness of wear the belt of truth.  My integrity is lacking, I confess how quickly am I do flee from righteousness alone or in my head.  I want to be a soldier for you, going forth willingly to joyfully do all that you call me to without complaint being like your son who cried out in torment in the garden that not his will be done but thine.  Father I’m crying out because I know this will be hard and I know I will not like it but the truth remains that I must willingly go into battle.  So provide me strength to do so.  Continue to bless ministries on this campus, and further.  Work in the hearts of those who have heard your word and have not understood it.  Father above all things may your will be done. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ephesians 6:10-13b (Take up your armor)
            Summary:  Paul has just left his calling to a Godly home but now he sets up to finish his letter to the church in Ephesus.  He now transitions into the mighty armor of God.  But before he gets into the armor he claims why we should put in on, namely, to withstand the devils schemes.
            Note: The phrases “Put on,” or “take up” is used three times in this passage to help add emphasis to its importance.               
Timeless Principle:  One point that is made in this text is that of the simple fact that we are in a war.  Listen, we are in a battle that is a very real and very important.  Let it be known that in every single move, action, or decision we make is in some way related to this war.  Ephesians 2 presents a scary thought, one that demands attention in light of this verse.  We, in our sin, followed hard after “the prince of the power of the air,” to be put more simply we followed Satan.  Chapter 4 says so clearly that not only did we follow Satan but we were GREEDY to do so.  This is a scary thought, but in light of this text it carries an extra “oomph” if you will.  We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, the powers, and spiritual forces of darkness.  We are in a very real war and in the things we do we are sowing to one kingdom or another, to Satan or unto Christ.  So what does this mean, how does it apply, what do I need to do because verse 12 exists?  It calls to realize that in our sin we are sowing and giving to the kingdom of self and Satan.  This war is an interesting one, in it we are fighting but in Christ we have already won but you still must fight and fight valiantly, making a declaration of all-out war against the sin and Satan and this is serious which leads into another point.
The next point is can be brought out with a question.   The question is simple “how?”  How do we fight against the unseen, how can we wage in a war that is in many ways bigger than ourselves?  Is it even conceivable or is it even possible?  The answer is found in this text.  We are to take a Holy armor not one that is made of hands for what good is armor made by hands against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places, instead we need an unseen armor, one that is cross-centered.  This armor that Paul alludes to in this text is necessary to every Christian.  Because it allows to withstand in the evil day, to withstand against the schemes of the devil, to discern what is good, it is that simple.  Paul will clearly define this armor in the rest of the text but for now it is important to note that we are to take it up and fight against these forces mentioned inverse 12.
My Prayer:  Father, this text brings to light a responsibility that is not optional, I must take up your armor and fight.  Give me strength, o Lord, for in my strength this war is impossible but with You Father all things are possible.  You are the one who in spilling your son’s blood purchased me having made me a people for your own possession such that I might bring you glory.  I confess lord that I let earthly things cloud my view, even good things, be it school, friends, a relationship, peoples opinions and approval.  I confess that in these things I have followed Satan and hated you.  I am unworthy of your grace and yet you continue to poor it out in the most of mighty ways.  God remove me from my selfishness, I want my way but in my way, I have only hurt and continue to hurt those who matter most to me.  Remove my heart from those things that still hold on to it such that you might have all of it.  Your love is endless and my heart is futile so Father please I beg you to kill off my desires such that I might walk in yours.  My life is not my own.  Father might I now, only through your strength, fight to reach out to a dying world, fight to free my heart from the things of the world, and fight, most importantly to bring honor and glory to you.  Above all things may your will be done even when your will brings me to tears and begins to rip away at my heart God because I know your ultimate plan is to make me more like you son at all costs so may your will be done on this Earth.  I ask these things in Christ’s name, Amen.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ephesians 6: 1-9 (The Family unit that pursues Christ)
            Summary:  Paul now returns to the family unit and what it should look like.  He now shifts his attention to the children’s role in the unit.  Quoting the fifth commandment, he calls the children as well as anyone else to honor their father and mother as is fitting to the saints that all might go well with them.  He then shifts back to the masculine leader of the household in telling the father to respect his children, furthermore bringing them up in discipline.  He now shifts to the lesser mentioned role a typical family in this time, the slave.  He calls the slaves to work earnestly and with good intention not by way of eye-service but of humility, working not unto their masters but unto the Lord.  Now he calls the masters of those slaves to be honest to their slaves in treating them with respect for there is no partiality with the overall master, namely Christ (Eph. 1: 20-21).
            Note:  Paul refers to the law as presented in the Old Testament in verse 2
Timeless Principle:  This text is dealing with four different roles of the family unit: 1) children 2) fathers 3) slaves 4) masters.
The child is the first of the roles addressed in this text.  If I am not mistaken, everyone is a child of someone.  So this text is directly applicable to all people in some form despite age.  All should honor their parents that it may go well with them.  In its most obvious case, obeying a parent is extremely important as long as the command does not directly coincide with God’s commandments.  Though this is the obvious application, it should never be overlooked obeying is a form of honoring because essentially we are saying that parents, in fact, are wiser than the child due to experiential wisdom.  But honor your father and mother might not be so easily applicable for someone who is no longer living with their parents a full-time basis (adults, most college students).  Well then what does this mean?  It does not mean to disregard the command simply because it is not so easily applicable.  So then how does someone honor their father and mother outside the safety of their parent’s home.  By showing respect to their opinions and giving them the light of day.  I often find myself blowing off my parents calls or taking their advice for granted which is in direct opposition to the ideas presented in this text.  Even asking them opinions in decisions that are being made brings them honor simply because it shows that humility in implying that you might not actually have all the answers.  These applications are not to be confused with laziness in the lives of those outside the home.  It must be noted that respecting your parents does not mean giving them absolute authority being outside the home.  This is why Paul is careful to not in Eph. 5: 31 that a “man shall leave his parents and hold fast to his wife.”  Respect them but hold fast to your newly inherited biblical masculinity and womanhood.
Though this text is probably referring to the honoring of your physical parents as we commonly think of them, perhaps, for a different perspective, it would be beneficial to look at it in a different light.  Earlier in this letter alone, Paul refers to us as children “adopted” in Christ and furthermore calls us to walk as “imitators” of Him, walking as “beloved children” (Eph. 1: 5, 5:1-2). An amazing promise echoes through the bible that God, creator who is most majestic is also a “father of the fatherless” (see Psalm 68: 5).  John makes a staggering claim in his gospel proclaiming that to anyone who will “receive [Christ], who believe in His name, He gave the right to become children of” the most high God (John 1: 12).  Well then, this leads us to another question, what does this mean for us, believers in the new covenant in Christ? It means just what it implies, that we, those who were foreknown to be adopted as sons and daughters in Christ, are now considered children of God.  Well then this must mean we are to honor our heavenly father as well being as one who is a beloved child. 
The father is the second specific role addressed by Paul.  There is only one verse of the nine devoted to this particular text but it is a loaded one.  Do not drive your children to anger is the first of things presented to the paternal role.  The provoking might be referring to unreasonable demands or insincerity. It is the unnecessary provoking that causes a child to become discouraged (Col. 3: 21).  This discouragement is the opposite of what the rest of the verse is telling fathers to do.  A father is called to bring up his children in discipline and instruction of the Lord, encouraging them to be laborers for Christ.  (I do not claim much expertise in specific application as I do not yet have children)
This text may also be looked at from another angle based on other scriptural passages (it needs to be noted that this text is however dealing with the father specifically).  For those who are not fathers, like me, we should both take note as to what this text teaches about fatherhood but also take note of what it could mean for us now.  Isaiah introduces a new idea in chapter 54 which is brought up by Paul in Galatians 4 proclaiming "Rejoice, O barren one who does not bear; break forth and cry aloud, you who are not in labor! For the children of the desolate one will be more than those of the one who has a husband." (Isaiah 54: 1-2, Gal. 4: 27).  Christ, when conversing with Nicodemus says rather simply that a man must be born of water (the physical birth) and of the “Spirit” (a supernatural birth brought on through the dramatic recreation of man in justification).  Paul after quoting Isaiah in the above passage goes on to call the Galatians “His little children” for which he was in “anguish of childbirth” (Gal 4: 19).  Paul also tells the church in Corinth that they did not have many fathers for “he (Paul) became” their “father,” going on to encourage them to imitate him as he imitates Christ (1 Cor. 4: 15-16).  What does all this mean? It means that as Paul took on a paternal concern for his “spiritual offspring” so should we.  A believer is called to make disciples of all nations (not be confused with converts) training them up in sound doctrine and teaching them to walk as an imitator of Christ.  This is important, discipleship is life on life, a disciple is to give his life away to his disciples much like Paul, fighting that they might become mature in Christ.  (Note: This does not mean that you can do any of the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit for a new creation is a supernatural event that only God can manage, it is our job not to sanctify but to equip)
Paul now shifts to the slave.  He commands them to obey their masters, not by way of eye-service as people pleasers but with a sincere heart as unto Christ.  It would be foolish to dump this off because of the fact that no one is a slave anymore right?  That’s a false thing to think.  The Bible makes it very clear that a person is a slave to something, a slave to sin or a slave to Christ.  Being the liberal people we are, we are quick to defend ourselves saying, “I am no slave, can you not see that I do what I want when I want.”  My question to the man who says that is well then who are you serving when you do those things, and the natural response, “number one.”  In this that person is saying yes I am a slave to my own desires, which biblically is called being a slave to the flesh (sin).  A dead man is content to follow essentially Satan (see Eph. 2:1-3) and is greedy to do so willingly in his flesh to be a slave to sin.  So then, almost no one would say that being a slave to something that declares war against God is a good thing so then there must be an alternative.  Jesus says that it is for “freedom that he has set us free,” in His blood sin and death has lost its grip, rejoice in this resounding truth (John 8).  But this freedom was far from free, but rather it cost Christ everything.  In accepting the risen Savior’s perfect sacrifice we make a vow to turn from our sin and turn to Christ, not looking back, not fixating upon our worldly desires but being captivated by grace.  Paul, calls himself a bond servant of Christ.  What does this mean?  It means that in my being justified by Christ, I submitted myself to the authority that is above all authority, becoming a bond servant (essentially a slave) to Christ.  This is not a negative thing, be joyful that this is true for it is a most amazing truth, we have been adopted and as beloved children should gladly pursue our Father’s and master’s will despite the temporal costs. 
Now with a new understanding of our servitude (slavery) to Christ, let us look once more at this text.  We are to work and serve not by way of eye-service but with earnest and humble hearts because we are not working for or serving man but rather we are serving the Godhead who is our true master.  This idea should shift our views of word because it means that we truly should do all things to the glory of God not just the self-defined “holy” things, for all things if done for God’s glory are Holy.
The last shift Paul makes is to the masters who are above the slaves.   (Note: as discussed earlier the master’s are also slaves)  Paul calls the master to stop threatening and making unjust commands but rather being gentle as Christ is gentle and forgiving of them.  Any authority we have no matter how small or taken advantage of.  In our positions of authority we must remember that there is only one absolute authority and with him there is no partiality.  This means that a slave on earth is seen to be no different than a master on earth and the president is just as loved as the beggar.  There is no partiality.  Having this in mind let us remember to be gentle with those we have been granted authority as Christ is gentle and patient with us through our endless rebellion and laziness.
My Prayer: Father, you are the master of my heart, You purchased me when I did nothing but hated you.  You drug me to the foot of your cross kicking and screaming where you captivated me with your endless grace.  You have adopted me and counted me as your son.  May I honor my parents and my earthly authority as it is only there by your will and for my good.   Give me strength to walk as your beloved child in a manner worthy of the calling to which I have been called.  God build me into a passionate Father, one that builds his children both physical and spiritual into respectable men of God training them up in grace and love with discipline.  Might I remember my position in you, that I have been bought with a heavy price being purchased from sin and enslaved to you.  May I be joyful in being counted worthy to suffer for or name being a man who is not a people-pleaser but who longs to satisfy you.  Above all I pray that your will be done in my life.  In Christ’s name, Amen.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ephesians 5:32-33 (The “mystery” in correlation with marriage)
            Summary:  Paul is coming off of defining what it means to submit to one another in the marriage bond.  He is now preparing to continue talking about the roles of the family unit but first interrupts his thoughts with verse 32, almost as a way to say that he is still talking about the mystery he set out to describe earlier in the chapter and has not shifted his focus to something other that the revelation to which he had been given in Jesus Christ.  In verse 33, he turns his attention back to the family unit.
Note: Mystery--“The calling of the Gentiles into the Christian Church, so designated (Eph_1:9, Eph_1:10; Eph_3:8-11; Col_1:25-27); a truth undiscoverable except by revelation, long hid, now made manifest. The resurrection of the dead (1Co_15:51), and other doctrines which need to be explained but which cannot be fully understood by finite intelligence (Mat_13:11; Rom_11:25; 1Co_13:2); the union between Christ and his people symbolized by the marriage union (Eph_5:31, Eph_5:32)” [Easton’s Bible dictionary]
-- “This mystery is a great one.” This profound truth, beyond man’s power of discovering, but now revealed, namely, of the spiritual union of Christ and the Church, represented by the marriage union, is a great one, of deep import.” [JFB]
           Timeless Principle:  The first point of note is a simple one.  Paul, as is his custom interrupts the flow of the surrounding verses by stopping to intercede with an encouragement of sorts.  He proclaims that this mystery is profound and incredibly dense.  It is not one that can be realized by reason or by normal means of observation but rather it is given only by revelation from the Father above.  Paul has spent Ephesians attempting to share the knowledge by which he has been divinely given.  Narrowed down the “mystery” is defined in one sentence being that the “gentiles are fellow heirs” being one body united in Christ (Eph. 3: 6).  Here Paul is saying that the mystery can also be described as a union between Christ and the church much in the same way a husband is united with his wife.  How is does this comparison come into play?  If a common man were to open up God’s word and peer into the prophetic book of Ezekiel, he would come to chapter sixteen and have a picture painted of a husband and wife, though the husband has done nothing but shower his bride with gifts, the bride makes much “of her whoring” and continues to give herself to everything taking the gifts the husband has given her and making images out of them.  The picture of the bride grows colder as the text continues and the husband is driven to anger.  To the surprise of our common man the husband makes a promise to the bride despite her prostitution in saying that He “will establish an everlasting covenant” even atoning for the wickedness she has participated in.  The husband is the Lord and he has come and atoned for His bride, the church, namely you and I, through the most agonizing torment imaginable.  This is mystery as it relates to marriage, that comparison being fully recognized in Christ’s heroic death for his bride.  We owe him everything because as Paul rightly says, we not only turned away from Christ in our sin but were greedy to do so, laboring fervently to live in our adulterous relationship to the Creator’s creation. 
My Prayer:  Father, I was greedy to follow hard after the prince of the power of the air, satan.  I loved my sin and, like a faithless bride, committed adultery without hesitation with the world, not even pausing to accept solicitation but continued out of a hatred for you.  I am without excuse.  I bow in gratitude to you, oh God, for without you I would continue to lust after the world and the things you have given me as gifts for your glory, making them idols and worshipping them over you.  God, I thank you, because you made a promise to buy back your bride, to by me back from my prostitution.  You stepped in and paid an immeasurable price to purchase me from my indecency.  May I never grow weary of the heroism displayed on the triumphantly on the cross of calvary.  Father might your church go forth and be a people zealous to follow hard after you and leave their former ways behind out of gratitude for the price you paid.  Above all things I ask that you would continually break me over these things, that I might joyfully serve you.  In Christ’s name, Amen.